Schwab Residential Center Proposal

Memorial Committee
680 Serra Street
Stanford, CA 94305

Request for proposals for an outdoor memorial

Stanford Graduate School of Business
Schwab Residential Center
Stanford University Campus

Submission date:  April 24, 2009


Title:  ORION

Medium: Cast bronze with a fabricated bronze base topped by a plate of stainless steel

Dimensions: Orion plus base... H: 6 feet  W: 3 feet  D: 26"

Location:  The PALM COURT or KISSICK GROVE of the Schwab Residential Center.


Life, light and spirit, motivated and brilliant... words can only take us so far, nevertheless Viet, Chris and Micah were three young scholars who aimed high...

When you look at the sky at night one of the most prominent constellations is Orion the Hunter, and the three stars of his belt made me think of those three friends while the rest of the constellation symbolized their circle of friends...

I am proposing to make a unique variant of my sculpture Orion by adding three stars to the breastplate... so what is lost can be found not only on this sculpture, but each night in the sky, that is as elemental points of inspiration...


Sculpture by Roger Arvid Anderson

Sculpture by Roger Arvid Anderson

Sculpture by Roger Arvid Anderson

Sculpture by Roger Arvid Anderson

  Sculpture by Roger Arvid Anderson



